About Solution

Open trade and market access has proven to be key drivers of economic growth andpovertyreduction in countries at every level of development. The ability to trade globally has enabled unprecedented economic growth worldwide and contributed to uplifting hundreds of millions out of extreme poverty. Infohub seeks to solve challenges in inclusive trade through the following ways.

  • Pro-poor and inclusive innovation: Extending the beneficiaries of innovation, and building on ideas of innovation for the bottom of the pyramid. This focuses on pro-poor innovation (primarily in the private sector) which, through new concepts, lowcost labour and materials and huge scales of production, can serve markets previously ignored by traditional innovation.
  • Grass-roots innovation: Broadening the range of actors in the innovation process to include grass-roots innovation movements. The approach aims to practice innovation, in both technology and service provision, in socially inclusive ways.
  • Social innovation: Shifting beyond technological to social innovation. This approach focuses on organizational innovations and new social practices designed to improve human well-being (for example, in business models, production practices and finance and public services delivery).
  • Digitally enabled open and collaborative innovation: Fostering open, digital collaborations. Such innovation approaches draw on and recombine multiple sources and forms of knowledge, especially through digitally-enabled open collaboration.



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