JOELEX,Accessible, Affordable Water, Sanitation& Showering for All

About Solution

JOELEX is a locally owned social enterprise that aims to make improved public sanitation accessible& affordable for the urban poor in Kampala, Uganda through well-constructed &properly maintained pay-per-use public sanitation facilities. Founded in 2017, responding to the high &growing demand for public facilities, JOELEX built public toilet facilities that provide pay-for-use toilets, domestic water &showers.

As a privately-owned business, JOELEX’s public sanitation facilities are more effective at solving the problem of the lack of public sanitation facilities from both an end user& public health perspective. From the end user perspective, JOELEX facilities are affordable,hygienic,clean,safe&modern.

As a business, JOELEX is incentivized to maintain its’ facilities&ensure customer satisfaction &safety. Competing alternatives are vastly inferior quality &experience. In comparison to pay-for-use alternatives, JOELEX charges approximately the same rate for a superior product. From a public sanitation perspective, JOELEX’s business model has been designed for scale.

While the upfront capital costs to build a JOELEX facility are higher than the cost to build a government public toilet, in the long-term JOELEX is more cost effective because the facilities are maintained and designed for durability, can be deployed faster, and are better serviced.Unlike the alternatives, waste generated is safely disposed of at the National Sewage Water Corporation dump site.

In operating facilities, JOELEX has served 189,000 people (100-150 per day) &established proof of concept for pay-for-use improved public facilities.Key lessons learnt from this experience include:



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