
About Solution

Setting up and managing business entity is a very old school and expensive process. Most important, shareholders don't have full visibility of the status of the company. This situation translates in shareholders losing money. Companies having to spend weeks and hundreds of dollars to execute super simple steps, and in general law sues are generated because of lack of communication.

Korporatio has developed an automated solution for corporate governance processes. This solution allows shareholders to be aware of the status of the company at any time. Code automates tasks such as voting or transfe of shares, improving processes that would takes weeks in simple seconds and from costing hundreds of dollars in just few cents.

As code manages contracts, this allows also to reduce legal issues as the code can't make mistakes. Technology also allows people from remote areas to participate in the company management as well as setting up business entities in region that might be better for specific type of activities.

Korporatio solution make business ownership available to any possible individual in the world, ensuring everybody can follows their dreams.



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