
About Solution

Millions of forcibly displaced people are forced to endure harsh living conditions with limited opportunities, basic services and at the risk of communicable diseases and malnutrition. Coupled with this is the limited financial resources humanitarian organizations have at their disposal to respond to these challenges and help restore dignity to these displaced populations. In East, Central and Horn of Africa for instance, over 65% of critical humanitarian funding is lacking. WFP – the world’s largest humanitarian organization – has been forced to scale back support by up to 30% leaving many displaced families at the brink of starvation and potentially death. Microfundit seeks to bridge this funding gap through a new way of crowdfunding humanitarian support by creatively harnessing individual, corporate and influencer giving at a price point that is affordable and in a way that is rooted in the African spirit of “Ubuntu”. Microfundit aims to provide this critical financing through certified humanitarian organizations that

• Provide legal support to displaced and vulnerable populations

• Fights health risks among displaced populations by building reliable infrastructure both soft and technical

• Provides educational opportunities and skills training for displaced youth especially women



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