Mobile Afya

About Solution

Themedian ageof theTanzanianpopulation is only 17.7 years and the overall population is 58 million people. To ensure that this young population is able to lead healthy and productive lives, equitable access to healthcare services and health education is key.

Mobile Afya service:

- -reduces health risks among rural and displaced populations through expanded access to healthcare information, sexual and reproductive health

- -Reduce barriers to health education

- -Impact and improve people lives

- -Scalable to the African continent and even further

- -Used and approved by 200 people today in Tanzania

- Technology is based on mobile wallet system (internet-free), simple and accessible with all types of phones, respecting privacy

For decades there has been a gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology and those that don't or have only restricted access. It can include services like telephone, television, personal computers and the Internet. Majorly affecting developing countries, remote population or rural areas, distribution of essential information and knowledge is not accessible to those who need it the most. In Tanzania, Radio is the main source of information and news in Tanzanian homes, but only 5% of all broadcasted content is health-related and yet listeners do not choose the topics to be covered. Internet fails to be an efficient source of information because only 30% of Tanzanians can actively access the web; and in addition, most of the content online is in English, a language spoken by only a minority group of Tanzanians. This gap results in unnecessary suffering and deaths from easily preventable diseases and health conditions; also it continues family cycles of poverty due to lack of access to information on family planning, resulting in large numbers of unplanned children and high levels of child/teen pregnancy as well as many other negative side effects.



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