The National Underfive Nutrition Data Management System (NUNDMS) Project has two main components which are Nutrition Assessment Data Interpretor (NADI) android application and District/State Underfive Database Integration System (DUNDIS/ SUNDIS).
The NADI android application has been programmed to aid in underfive health center monthly Growth Monitoring and Promotions (GMP) including data collection, interpretation, feedback specificiy guidelines to the caregivers, further processing of data to the profile and uploading of the data to the DUNDIS/SUNDIS.
The DUNDIS/SUNDIS web application has been designed to aid in district/state hospital receiving all uploads from NADI android application, further integration processing and uploading of the data to the national database.
The project is in line with the challenge topic through the following two main points.
Firstly Health Foods for All, is a achieved through the underfive nutrition and health assessment which they are interpreted by NADI android application to be overnutrition, undernutrition or optimal nutrition status whereby the nutrition status shows whether the child has been feeding nutritious and health diets in reflection of while family intake.
For Instance,
The underweight child caregiver is adviced by NADI android application through health personnel based on the FADDUAH principle,
F means Frequency, of feeding the child.
A means Adequacy of the nutrtirients and energy to that of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDIs)
D means Density of the energy in a particular food portion to be sufficient not deficit or over in supply.
D means Deversification of the meal to contain at least 4 food groups.
U means Utilisation of the food nutrients and energy to meet body nutrition requirements.
A means Active Participation of all family members in the child care
H means Hygiene practices and Sanitation infrustures as the health foods are utilized by the body when the food is free from food borne diseases.
On the other hand, the overweight or obese children, thier caregivers are advices to reduce the fats and oils in the diets for the children, reduce sugar and soft drinks, reduce the processed foods and encourage the children to play physically as part of physical exercise for not less than 30 minutes a day while congratulating optimal nutrition status children to continue eating health foods and practising lifestyle.
Secondly, Sustainable is been addressed by project through dealing with all nutrition and health challenges at early stage to create healthier and productive future generation through effective planning based on database, boosted Generation Activities (IGAs) and reduced bills on preventable health issues.
NUNDMS is sustainable and health foods for all.