The population in Tanzania is growing and developing economically driving the increasing demand for sustainable animal protein. The annual fish consumption in Tanzanian is estimated at 7-8 kg per capita, being much lower than the global average consumption of 20 kg per year, indicating the large market potential. With an estimated fish demand deficit of 480,000 tons per annum representing both a food security issue but at the same time an economic opportunity for locally farmed fish. Fish farmers see the potential of fish farming, but are unable/unwilling to invest since they know the current bottlenecks prevent their business from being profitable. The prices for fish meal and soy bean meal have more than doubled over last ten years, fish meal is fast depleting (Overfishing) and land for further more Soy bean cultivation is limited. Industrial farming of fish require large amount of protein and it account of over 70% production cost. Protein source of today mainly from soy and fish meal cannot cover tomorrow demand. Despite of several company focused on production of fish feed and finding protein replacements, there is no dramatic breakthrough that been reported and share of fish meal and soy bean meal used in aquaculture is increasing and fish feed price continue to rise. In a survey of nearly 150 fish farmers in Tanzania, the problem most frequently mentioned was lack of access to fish feed and no major company addressing it but NovFeed does we produce, process and formulate new cost-effective fish feeds based on indigenous, locally produced and sustainable ingredients such as macrophytes and maggots. This is alternatives Novel indigenous non-conventional feed ingredients which are potential rich source of nutrients for aqua-feed, with the aim to increase competition for fish feed thereby reducing cost by 30% and increasing accessibility with the goal of making fish more affordable as healthy food source.