R-Coin - Refugee Crypto Token

About Solution

As refugees in Malaysia lack basic rights and live an almost invisible existence, we are expanding our program to recognize and reward the valuable contribution they make to their communities and Malaysian society. Malaysia does not have a formal legal or policy framework for refugees. The lack of a formal legal and administrative framework means that refugees and asylum seekers cannot legally work and have limited access to public services. Refugee youth lack access to education and professional development opportunities resulting in participation in un-safe jobs and activities. Social capital is one of the coping mechanism developed.

TheRohingya Project, a grassroots initiative for financial inclusion using Blockchain technology, will be launching theR-Coin, a crypto token designed to incentivize community service, in particular teaching and mentoring, performed by stateless Rohingya and other refugees in Malaysia. The initiative began as a pilot in November and December with support from UNHCR.

The R-Wallet is a simple, usable mobile application that can store R-Coin
a crypto currency that serves as reward coin for volunteer work within the refugee communities such as teaching, counseling, assisting in soup kitchens and group cleanups.Refugees receive 1 R-Coin for 1 completed hour of community service. To ensure the viability of the Refugee Token network, we are collaborating with field partners. Field Partners (including UN agencies, schools, NGOs, etc.) are those who supervise community services by the refugee.

We are crowdfunding to expand our pilot in 2020 to create a wider ecosystem that can integrate refugees with local businesses and Malaysian society.



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