Social interactions

About Solution


First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a competition.


Secondly, although I didn't have much time to prepare my solutions. I would like to be part of the competition anyway because the challenges you propose try to respond to some real problems of our society.


The solutions that I propose do not respond directly to the problem of hunger but can have a real impact in the long term, do not ask a lot of money, create jobs and can be applied anywhere. They ask state involvement and individual.


1) State involvement


-The state should provide farmers free means of transportation (e.g. bicycle, car, tractor, etc.) or at a lower cost and tools that make the work easier.


Indeed, farm work requires a lot of physical work and there are rarely any means of transport in some remote, arid or rural areas. Facilitating access to means of transportation in terms of price and distance to as many people as possible should be a state objective. I explain below why.


-Creating meetings with farmers on what is really problematic and how to facilitate or improve their lives. A better listening to their needs and expectations (e. g. organizing committees,...) by the relevant state bodies; local representatives and NGO.


-Create more effectively accessible water wells in remote, arid and/or rural areas.

Water is life, and there are many areas where people do not even have access to safe drinking water. Clean snow should be stored for reuse as in Khost, Afghanistan; rainwater should be collected; recycle water; reuse water used for washing food (or other) for gardening, vegetable gardening or other purposes (e.g. create a different sink/water drainage space for water to be reused). The aim is to ensure that water is never "wasted".


 2) Boost Travels/ Tourism


It is necessary to develop travels at several levels for different reasons.

Boost tourism in rural areas in general and particularly encourage tourism from urban areas to rural areas (e.g. accommodation for families who must respect conditions imposed by the State, hotels and restaurants that would participate in the concept).

⇒ Urban dwellers rarely have real contact with rural areas. This would be an opportunity to get to know better how a farm works, how the land is cultivated, where fresh produce comes from, how it is grown...

The calm, soothing side and the need to recharge batteries are healthy for city dwellers. In addition to this, people get to know a/their country better ; it develops or creates work.

Promoting movements of individuals within the country. Ensure that students from rural areas can move to urban areas (via a scholarship, a trip offered by the school (once a year or at the end of a certain period) ; that professionals provide, free of charge, for a week per year/ a week-end by quarter) their knowledge/ acquaintance/advice to young people or people in working place in order to permit some less privileged people to develop their business, their work, their life....


Displacement gives a breath of oxygen to our brain, to our sight, to our representations. It opens a window on the world, invites us to new perspectives and creates a dynamic that makes individuals a little freer from their movements. It indirectly promotes knowledge (learning from others who live/ understand/ see/ respond differently to certain problems otherwise...). This encourages introspection and change of self and the way of working, thinking or investing. It is why, this aspect is so important ! Especially for people who has no possibilities to see something else.


3) Focus on solidarity

For decades, the issue of poverty has been addressed. GMOs, pesticides and other products have therefore been created to solve this problem. However, this has not really changed things because of neocapitalism and its functioning. In addition, the "need" for organic products is expressed. So for me, it is not on these points that we need to work. Unless we can find healthy and safe ways to do it. In recent years we have innovated on several levels. Love and solidarity are often considered obsolete, especially professionally.

I lived in the city for 24 years, I see more and more homeless people, yet I live in a rich country that is even the capital of Europe.


-One explanation is that some people are narcissistically focused on themselves. As a result, people are less and less concerned about their neighbours. More and more people are falling into various addictions due to lack of love, human contact, loneliness and indifference.

What is needed is to focus on and foster local successes. Solidarity from cities to rural areas must be promoted. That social cohesion and healthy human interaction be promoted and even rewarded.

-Creating social workers who can help illiterate people, isolated people to assert their rights, find work or escape toxic dependencies. Indeed, people in these areas are often neglected by themselves, the state and are at the mercy of those who have power (ex : toxic family’s member(s); greedy industrialist. 

4) Improving environment

Rural areas are green areas, large lands. Biodegradable bags (e.g. cardboard bag, fabric bag  or bag made of another biodegradable material) should be promoted. 

In the long term, these "green" areas are protected from pollution and land degradation is proactively addressed. Often, in these areas, we do not know how to recycle. There are neither the machines nor the infrastructure for that. With Chinese products, people are buying more and more things that are not biodegradable. It can be a real problem in the future.

Plant more trees

This is good for wood (e. g. sales/ personal use for heating, cooking...). This provides for landslides, protects from heat, fights pollution. So like you can see those solution do not respond directly to the problem of hunger but I think we have to rething the question in many social levels (ex : interactions).



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