Suku Chai

About Solution

We fight poverty and promoting healthier eating through a cup of tea. Our vision is to develop Pan African tea brands better for fighting diabetes in the region while creating a tea-drinking culture which results in a healthier lifestyle.

In Tanzania over 1.5 million people between 17 to 75 years old have diabetes; More than 425 million people havediabetesin the world and more than 16 million people in the African Region with associated healthcare costs of USD 5.3 billion. According to the report overweight and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease,diabetesand some cancers in laterlife WHO Report 2018.

The WHO (World Health Organization) and the IDF (International Diabetes Federation) estimate that the diabetes population will double over the next twenty years in Africa to reach more than 48.5 million diabetic adults between 20 and 79 years of age by 2040 and diabetes will be the 5th leading cause of death.

Therefore, it is important to manage it well, be it through eating a healthy diet or certain suggested healthful drinks like green tea as well as engaging in exercises or leading a fit life.

HENCE our Idea for change is “SUKU CHAI” an innovative Herbal Green Tea made from ginger and lemongrass infusion secured with Camellia Sinensis Plant.

SUKU CHAI is made from well mixed, blended and processed organic lemongrass, ginger and Camellia green tea as proven by Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) and Tanzania Tea Research Center to promote access to healthy and sustainable foods/drinks for all.

The product is naturally free from caffeine and additional of any harmful chemical…this is to say it is 100% organic proven scientifically to reduce blood glucose levels better for improving diabetes.

Containing weight loss, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties SUKU CHAI protect our cells from damage, dealing with allergy; helps to reduce the effects of insulin resistance by decreasing the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates making the body relaxed.

SUKU CHAI helps to manage blood sugar levels and has been proven to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and the complications associated with it.

SUKU CHAI may also make it easier to control blood sugar levels as it has a potential blood-sugar-lowering effect.

Our disruptive solution is going to revolutionize Africa in an attempt to promote healthier eating and access to affordable foods as we expect over 2.2 billion population in Africa by 2050.



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