The solution will target areas where climate change drastically affects agriculture.
The solution will be shared with the target populations, and partnership will be established with farmers in order to enhance their capacities and increase their incomes.It will allow income generation, and also focus on ecosystem preservation for a sustainable agriculture.
The solution will focus on:
- To Produce quality seeds adapted to the agro-ecological environment of Senegal, in irrigated off-season cultivation
- Tocreate ecological agriculture farms farms of at least 10 hectares, at the level of the different regions concerned, by increasing the number gradually
To Establish a network of selected farmers, 100 to 200 at the begining, who will be able to cultivate areas of 1 to 3 hectares maximum
To Organize interested producers at village, commune, departmental and national level, to establish coordination mechanisms at the various levels
To organize training sessions in order to reinforce the capacities of the famers, and provide them with skills to conduct a successful ecological farming
To Provide producers with seeds and inputs
To Promote small-scale industrial processing units
To select good practices
Stragegic partnership will be built with governmental institutions in charge of agricultural development and sustainability, NGOs, famers associations and cooperatives.