Honey is a type of food that can be taken raw, i.e, without any further process of cooking. It can be taken on the go! It is a type of food constituting of nutrients capable of healing no less than 2,000 ailments within and on the body.Apart from the aforementioned, honey is one of the ingredients for making confectionaries (snacks), kids candies, among many others.
According to National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria as a country, produces just 3% out of its potential honey output. However, in order to close up this huge gap, honey sellers adulterate their honey and thus, making adulterated honey common on Nigeria shelves.
As a way of contributing my quota to reduce the rate of adulterated honey on Nigeria shelves, as well as SDGs 3&13 -Good health & well being, and climate actions respectively, Quotidian-V Foods, a bee keeping and honey production company , was formed. In my company, we hold in high integrity, production and sales of 100% pure natural honey called BUZZ Honey.
With production and supply of 100% BUZZ natural honey on regular basis, companies can hence produce more healthy foods and consumers can be rest assured of the content ingested is really what it is.
Apart from that, natural sweetener preferers can go ahead and pick BUZZ honey on Nigeria shelves with confidence of getting pure unadulterated honey.
Children and low income earners are not exempted either, as BUZZ honey comes in tractions as low as 100ml, affordable for the low income earners who put value on good health. In the long run, my company will be producing honey candy with up to 100% honey constituent which children can get and take on the go.
Thus, the need to plant more trees, and install more hives among them, and increase awareness of the benefits of adding honey to menu list even in homes. Further to this, is how to identify a pure and adulterated honey.