NGFC will work together with key stakeholders to ensure production of safe and healthy food and its distribution in line with organic food standards through a reputable certification process. NGFC will develop reliable producer networks and an efficient distribution and delivery mechanism with state of the art facilities comprising of several channels such as City Food Booths in various locations and web and mobile Applications, as tailored to the specific needs of the clientele. To be successful, the NGFC requires a clear and well defined market. Therefore NGFC will make it a priority to establish reliable markets which has presently been the most important disincentive to sustainable organic food production especially in the developing world. The NGFC is also a movement that looks to promoting access to affordable safe and healthy food for all in cities. It has been commonly known that organic food is much more expensive than conventional food and therefore largely exclusive to the affluent in society. This is as a result of inefficiencies along the value chains caused mainly by the small volumes traded. Thus by increasing the volumes produced and handled by the system, these inefficiencies will be dealt with for competitive prices. Also, in most of the food systems it is impossible to ascertain the quality and safety of food. This is because of the way food is handled right from the farm to the market and final consumer, which is impossible to track. Therefore NGFC will introduce a systematic trace-ability system to ensure that quality standards are met. By more keenly matching production to demand where production is increased based on new market information, the market-oriented system will also cut down on food loss and wastage, a result of predominantly supply-led food systems especially in developing countries. NGFC will also work closely with the producer networks to build their capacity to produce consistently throughout the year so as to meet the growing demand. The system will also ensure satisfactory remuneration of all actors in the value chains through fair-pricing, especially looking out for producers who have been often poorly remunerated by the current food regimes which are more favorable to the actors higher up in the chains. In addition to improving livelihoods of thousands who will be employed at different nodes of the value chains, NGFC will contribute to reducing on the current environmental stress buy reducing the unnecessary use of hazardous agro-chemicals.