Tomato cultivation technology, processing and marketing

About Solution

The project will smartly focus reducing the gap of small hold farmers of back production methods of production with low capacity and quality production resulting into low economic returns tomatoes farming production technologies through better quality and capacity production with value addition tap increasing market demands as way to increase economic security of farmers. The project will curb down the challenges that farmers go through that may include poor harvest handling, perishability of tomatoes, ginger and garlic among other vegetables in the peak season through value addition.

The project will offer capacity technological knowledge to small hold farmers for better continuous farming system, in order to have constant and increased cost effective supply in line with the existing demands. Establishment of collecting and processing sit for value addition of the tomatoes, ginger & garlic production and offer/create market linkages for the processed packet tomato sauce, ginger garlic products to potential markets locally and internationally to neighboring countries like DR Congo, Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan. This will create double deal for increasing economic returns to small hold farmers and the youth engaged in the project.



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