Krystal Ice Limited is a social enterprise that is solving a problem of fruit loss and market problems for smallholder farmers by providing a solution to fruits to have a long shelf life and creating market for fruits. We are also solving the problem of nutrition -unhealthy products and early child development by encouraging children and adults to have natural products that will boost their immunity.
We have come up with a sustainable business model that improves smallholder farmer's income, encourages healthy edible choices for our customers and good farming practices like expanding fruit farms to conserve the ecosystem and increase the green cover to mitigate the effects of climate change. By processing these fruits we are providing market for fruits at the same time increasing the shelf life of fruits and also increasing availability of perishable products on the shelves. We also try to encourage an increase in consumption of healthy foods by trying to influence and change people's nutritional behavior towards a healthier diet.
According to FAO 40 – 50% of fruits in Africa fail to reach the market that’s about 350,000 tonnes of fruits wasted annually food enough to feed millions of people. In Uganda, there is high incidence of post-harvest losses, especially for the perishable fruits due to their perishable nature. This has made producers make do with low prices to their disadvantage.
So Krystal Ice Limited (KIL) noticed farmers’ frustrations due to lack of access to markets and inability to transport their fruits to the markets very fast. We saw this as an opportunity and came up with an idea that could empower smallholder farmers economically through profitable smallholder commercial agriculture whereby we provide market for their fruits which we use as our raw materials and process them to produce frozen fruity ice pops of different flavors that is mango, watermelon, pineapple, apple, orange and mixed fruit. Our ice pops have good nutritional value to ensure customers receive healthy products that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. We also try to encourage an increase in consumption of healthy foods by trying to influence and change people's nutritional behavior towards a healthier diet. We recognize that agriculture is the back bone of this country's sustenance so by engaging models that serve communities we are improving people's livelihoods and contributing to the economy through value addition and job creation.