Turning Waste to Music

About Solution

With over 300 million tonnes of plastic waste being produced every year (UN Environment), and half of all products designed for single use, countries everywhere are dealing with an onslaught of waste. Through recycling waste to make musical instruments, we are offering a solution to two-folded problems: one is waste management which has emerged as a serious challenge in the modern global economy and second through making musical instruments accessible for a wider market through affordable prices. Instead of throwing two bottles per day, flutes, bassoons, contraforte, tenoroon, oboe, sarrusophone, and other reed instruments can be produced. Our instruments will sell to amateur and professional musicians. The instruments, mainly the electric, can be bought by a wide range of people, from music students who cannot afford expensive instruments, to classical musicians, rock bands and classical players exploring new types of personal and unique music making. Many targeted customers are tourists who would like to return to their countries with a uniquely crafted gift in their hand. Customers can order their instrument online. They can also visit our workshop and exhibition shops.



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