U4A- USSD Solutions For Africa

About Solution

U4A is a suite of products in healthcare, data collection, and governance built using USSD, web, SMS and voice technology. A solution in education in the pipeline

OUR Approach

  • U4A leverages solely on offline technology.

U4A works using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)Technology.

  • USSD does not require internet or a smartphone

  • U4A, therefore, places no burden on users.

  • Our healthcare solution Remind Me allows caregivers and health workers to do the following effectively:

  1. Register childbirth and receive a unique identifier for the child.

  2. Check immunization history to prevent repeated immunization

  3. Health workers can confirm actual immunization using child unique identifier.

  4. Check for the nearest health care centre that has a particular vaccine a child is due for based on data collected from the inventory system

  5. Caregivers or relative receive automated SMS and VOICE calls for immunization reminder in their selected local language

  6. Caregivers can update child info at any time using the USSD number on any network.

  7. Hospitals can manage inventory using the USSD service and development partners/relevant authorities can view inventory log real time.

  8. Hospitals can maintain and update contact details using the USSD service.

  9. Caregivers are able to book an appointment with health care centres closest to them.

  10. Relevant Authorities can send out messages and calls to caregivers on where campaign services are provided based on data collected during registration.

  11. Our data science solution Blueform allows organizations to collect data from rural areas using USSD code.



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