value chain production in the agricultural sector will bring about equitable and affordable access to healthy low carbon food in cities because value will be added to local farm produce converting them to raw materials for other food products which becomes affordable because cost of production is greatly reduced.
value chain production create more food products for the cities and reduced food loss and wastage, bi
products of a particular process of food production is converted into another line of processed food and so called waste products can also be processed into animal and livestock feed.
In value chain production hunger, malnutrition and food related illness in urban areas are all taken care of because more food products are produced, the food are now available and also at a cheaper rate since cost of production has been reduced.
value chain production give rise to employment opportunities in cities because jobs are created, business opportunities are created for members of the community, and more importantly it leads to entrepreneurship.
value chain production in the agricultural sector will lead to increase in economic growth for urbanized countries with industries and services linked to agriculture leading to increase in GDP.
Agricultural market are rapidly globalizing, generating new consumption pattern and new production and distribution system, it is often controlled by multinationals or national firms and supermarkets, capturing a growing share of the agric-food system in developing regions.
It reduce gender inequality because both men and women have the equal chance and opportunity to work in available system created by value chain production.
For a country such as Nigeria and most west African nations, Internal and External support for agricultural value chains is an important option for agricultural development, because higher financial returns can be realized through value-enhancing inputs. Improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural value chains can also enhance benefits to all participants in the value chain, and contribute to food security and poverty reduction. The humongous change in the context and the value-enhancing revolution occurring currently in the chains of agriculture is benefiting nationals and multinational agribusiness, but small firms and other forms of agribusinesses can also benefit from the massive revolution in Agriculture.