My solution aim at using a holistic approach to end hunger and malnutrition by promoting the production and consumption of identified nutrients -dense crops that could help improve dietary quality and also make business sense to smallholders farmers of my cooperative.
- Using the Gender Action Learning System, gender gaps in households will be closed, Women will be able to take part in decisions about what to produce, what to consume, what to sell and how household income could be used for a better nutrition.
- Many women are ignorant about many food formulations from local nutritious crops.through trainings on different food formulations and combinations, .households will be expose to varieties of nutrient dense products.
- During the harvesting season, there is too much waste, and during off seasons, even the farmers suffer from hunger and malnutrition. But this solution will bring forth different ways of post handling, processing and preserving the foods for a season of scarcity.
- Many people who are jobless and barely managing to have a single meal would be able to gain employment along the value chains fo these products.
- By improving on availability of communication /information many women will understand