Water resistant bricks

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Water-resistant bricks

Water-resistant bricks will be used to build warehouses for agricultural produscts or house. In this way the humidity during the rains will no longer affect the agricultural products.

The most used material for the construction of houses in the extreme poverty area is clay.

The clay has good mechanical strength, but it is not rain-resistant. Burning bricks to make them water-resistant involves fuel that is not found in extreme poverty areas.

It is no secret how to make bricks in clay mixed with sand. The clay mixed with the sand is slightly moistened with water and then shaped into bricks.

The bricks will be exposed to the sun to dry.


After drying, the bricks will be immersed for a moment in a liquid sodium silicate solution and then exposed to the sun again.

The exterior surface of the bricks moistened with liquid sodium silicate will strengthen and will be resistant to rainwater.

Liquid sodium silicate reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and will provide an irreversible but water-resistant coating.

To accelerate the curing process, where possible, bricks can be blown over the bricks with carbon dioxide from a cylinder and in seconds the superficial layer of the brick will harden and be waterproof.

Water-resistant bricks will be used to build warehouses for agricultural produscts or house. In this way the humidity during the rains will no longer affect the agricultural products.

Sodium silicate has a cost of 10 times less than cement and can become a viable alternative.



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